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Winter day camp 2025 in Krakow

Discover a Winter Adventures in January 2025 with ESTI School

Don't miss out!
Enrol your child for an unforgettable winter filled with creativity, language learning, and adventures.

Our camp offers interactive language lessons, exciting winter-themed activities, hands-on workshops, and plenty of outdoor fun.

Cosy and Convenient Location

Our warm and welcoming environment is located at ul. Życzkowskiego 19, Kraków. Just a short drive from the city centre, our school is easily accessible and nestled near Park Lotników, ideal for winter walks and outdoor play.

Тематична організація

Кожна зміна в таборі присвячена конкретній темі та кожного дня ми поглиблюймось в неї з різних боків, що дозволяє дітям краще зрозуміти обрану тематику.

Themed Activities for a Winter Wonderland

Every day, we explore a new winter-themed topic through hands-on activities, creative workshops, and engaging discussions. Children will dive into the magic of the season while also learning valuable skills.

Daily Language Lessons

With our native-speaking instructors, children will practice Polish and English through interactive games and exercises. The immersive environment fosters rapid language acquisition in a fun way.

esti school language classes
ESTI school camp team

Професійна команда

Кваліфіковані куратори й викладачі табору, які створюють цікаве навчальне середовище, без використання гаджетів.

Workshops to Spark Creativity

Our daily workshops cover a range of winter crafts, from making snowflake decorations to sculpting with clay. Children will also have the opportunity to participate in fun science experiments, such as crystal making.

Outdoor Winter Fun

Weather permitting, we take advantage of the snowy Kraków winters with sledding, snowman building, and snowball fights. On colder days, we roast marshmallows and enjoy warm cocoa around a fire pit.

Активний відпочинок

Прогулянки та різноманітні активності в парку кожен день допомагають дітям насолоджуватися природою та активним відпочинком.

Exciting Excursions

Once a week, children will go on an educational excursion to local attractions, such as an ice-skating rink, or a winter wildlife sanctuary.

Skill Development through Play

In addition to language lessons, kids will have the chance to participate in enriching activities such as robotics, music, storytelling, taekwondo, and sensory activities.

Розвиток різних навичок

Крім мовного навчання, діти мають можливість займатися додатковими активностями, такими як карате, музика, танці, йога та сенсорна активність.

Building Friendships

Our camp fosters a community where children make new friends, learn to work as a team, and create lasting bonds that continue beyond winter camp.

Camp Themes by Week

Each week lasts five days and revolves around a different winter adventure. From creative arts to robotics and winter sports, there’s something for everyone.

❄️ Week 1

Theme: Winter Wonderland Adventure
January 20–24

⛄ Week 2

Theme: Winter Wonderland Adventure
January 27–31

Age Groups

We divide each session into three age groups to ensure the best learning experience. Tailored activities help match the developmental needs of each child, ensuring fun and engagement.

Ages 4-5

Up to 12 children per group.

Ages 6-7

Up to 16 children per group.

Ages 9-12

Up to 16 children per group.

Approximate camp Schedule



8:00 - 8:20

Morning Opening & Welcome

8:20 - 8:45

Fitness Warm-up

8:45 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:30

English / Polish Lesson

9:40 - 10:10

English / Polish Lesson

10:20 - 11:45

Outdoor Play (Weather permitting: Snow Activities / Sledding)

12:00 - 12:30


12:30 - 13:00

Relax Time

13:00 - 13:45

Winter Crafts Workshop

14:00 - 14:45

Robotics / Taekwondo / Sensory Activities

14:45 - 15:00


15:00 - 16:30

Creative Craft (Clay / Handy Crafts)

16:30 - 17:00

Cinema Club / Board Games / Party

Cost of the camp

780  PLN

per week (5 days from Mon to Fri)

Fees include:

1. Childcare from 8:00 to 17:00
2. Engaging activities, materials for workshops
3. Language lessons (English and Polish)
4. Outdoor activities 

Fees do not include:

1. Catering
2. Excursions (Additional fee: 30–60 PLN)

Address: Profesora Michała Życzkowskiego, 19

Why Choose ESTI’s Winter Camp?

A fun, safe environment for your child to learn and explore

Small groups for personalised attention

Exciting excursions to explore the beauty of winter in Kraków

Native-speaking teachers for immersive language lessons

Creative workshops and hands-on learning experiences

Build confidence, creativity, and communication skills in a friendly environment